2017 Conference Abstracts

Session: Role of Ethnobiological Traditional Knowledge in Conservation of Biodiversity
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Tyler - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
“What our ancestors planted, it’s good to bring here”: Retracing the shared travels of rhubarb and Inuit in Labrador
, Jessica - Hualapai Tribe Department of Natural Resources
Post-Fire Monitoring on the Hualapai Reservation, Peach Springs, Arizona
, Zsolt - MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
Herders, farmers, conservationists and ecologists working together for better grassland management in Hungary
, Rajindra - Centre for Biocultural Diversity, University of Kent
Ethnobiology and human adaptation to biodiversity change: concepts and methods applied to a study of herder responses to Lantana camara L.
, Edelmira - Institute of Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Documentation of traditional foods and agrobiodiversity of the Rarámuri (Chihuahua, Mexico) by means of videos: pinole and esquiate derived from maize (Zea mays)
Session: Zooarcheaology
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Dalyn - University of Wyoming
Zooarchaeology of the Native American Sturgeon Fishery in Coastal Oregon, 350 BC to AD 1150
Main Johnson
, Leslie - Athabasca University
Plants, Land and Language–Gwich’in Elders’ Perspectives on Traditional Living and well-being
, Gregory - Dept of Anthropology, University of Alberta
Humans and dugongs in eastern Indonesia
, Steve - University of North Texas, Department of Geography & the Environment
Encountering Contemporary Pastoralism via Zooarchaeology: New Data from the Argentine Andes
Session: Solidarity, Allyship, & Justice in an "Applied" Ethnobiology, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Ashley - University of Washington
Whitewashed Time: How Academic Calendars and Funding Duration Affect Meaningful Cultural Work and Exchange
, Nicholas - Dartmouth College
The Indigenous Confluence Project
, Eugene S. - University of Washington
Place Names as Moral Deeds to Traditional Homelands
, Eve - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Making research findings relevant and accessible in the communities where we work: our experience creating agrobiodiversity catalogs in the Peruvian Andes
, Nicole - Sally Glean Center
How Condors Led Me to Mining and Water Issues: Walking in Solidarity with Latin American Communities
Session: Birds, Plants and Other People: Ecological and Cultural Relationships Across Species Boundaries, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Nicole - Sally Glean Center
Vulture and Condor Bringing Seeds: Relationships Embodied Through Oral Traditions in Costa Rica and the Andean Altiplano
, Marianne - Simon Fraser University
Secwepemc Loons as Symbols of Power and Transformation
, Karen - University of Pittsburgh
Might a Flight of Swallows a Covey of Concerned Characters Beget?
Session: Archaeobotany
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Anna - Boston University
Using Nutritional Ecology and Energetic Modeling to Reexamine the Role of Plants in Neanderthal Diet in Southwest France
, Darcy - University of Victoria
Savannahs of Living Fuel: The Coast Salish Management of Douglas-fir Bark Fuel
, Natalie - Washington University in St. Louis
Agricultural Communities and the Rise of Cahokia: Evidence from Seeds
Session: The IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services: Calling upon the contribution of Ethnobiology
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Viktor - Department of Ecology, University of Szeged, Hungary
Traditional ecological knowledge of wild animals: an underestimated opportunity for knowledge co-production for biodiversity assessments and conservation
, Eduardo - Indiana University - Bloomington
Operationalizing Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Practices (ILK) in the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of IPBES
, Matthew - University of Hawai'i
Incorporating biocultural relationships into climate change modeling
, John - Tulane
Crop Wild Relative Conservation In Situ: The Ethics and Benefits of Local Indigenous Knowledge
, Zsolt - MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
A new global biodiversity and ecosystems services assessment: what do ethnobiologists and traditional knowledge holders could benefit from it?
Session: Community Dynamics, Identity, and Natural Resources
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, John Richard - University of Florida
Towards An Ethnobiological Theory of Biodiversity and Sociolinguistic Diversity
, Virginia - University of Georgia
Tasting Love and Legacy
, Bernadette - School of Earth, Society and Environment, University of Illinois, Champaign
Shifting priorities for the inclusion of rural women in the initiatives of the Green Moroccan Plan
, Amanda - Washington State University
Q'eqchi' Maya Home Gardens
, Megan
Gullah Roots of Southern Cuisine
, Ebba - Champlain Regional College/Concordia University
Gender Inequality in Swedish Legislation of Sámi Reindeer Herding.
Session: Engaging Communities & Ethics in Context: The Process of Initiating Ethnobiological Fieldwork, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Fabio - Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y en Ciencias Sociales, UNAM
Towards a respectful ethnoarchaeological practice: zoo archaeological materials and biocultural heritage.
, Sarah - University of British Columbia
The Berry Project – Insight on conducting research in the Canadian Arctic
, Armando - Latin American Society of Ethnobiology
Taking an early first step for ethnobiological fieldwork
, Cynthia - Wofford
Initiating Research on Igniting Fires in the Blue Ridge Mountains during the Autumn 2016 Conflagration
, Daniela - Kean University
Indigenous Knowledge and the Search for Plant Medicine: A Teaching Case Study Involving Prior Informed Consent with the Maya ICBG
Session: Ethnomedicines, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Robert - Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Toronjil medicinal plant complex: ethnobotany and domestication of Agastache (Lamiaceae) in Mexico
, Erica
Narcotics, Empire, and the Marijuana Frontier
, Tilman - University of Bayreuth (Germany)
Herbal medicine for Naja nigricollis bites in Western Niger: Symptomatic treatments and possible antidotes.
Session: Stewardship & Education
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Whitley - Southern Utah University Student
The Stories of the Past: Creating a relationship with the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah and Cedar Breaks National Monument to help preserve cultural history
, Sarah - Senior Instructor, Department of History, Simon Fraser University.
Teaching Food History Against the Grain
, Dana - Simon Fraser University, Hakai Institute
Exploring Hauyat: A Cultural Keystone Place of the Heiltsuk, British Columbia, Canada
, Andrew - Karen Environmental and Social Action Network
Ethnoecology for Peace: Karen Environmental Relations and the Salween Peace Park in Karen State, Burma
, E. N. - University of California, Riverside
Conservation Ideology Revisited: Northwest Coast Myths that Teach Environmental Care
Session: Ethnobotany, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, PAUL - Member of Society of Economic Botany, Kenya Chapter
, Yasuaki - Osaka Sangyo University, Japan
Social Aspects of the Maintenance of Banana Landrace Diversity in Central Uganda
, Terese - Syracuse University
Seed Memory/Body Memory: The (Re)production of Karen More-Than-Human Culture Across Borders
, Thomas - Institute of American Indian Arts
Indigenous Biotechnology/Corn Nixtamalization
, Christina - Detroit Institute of Arts
Dye Components in Insect Lac (Shellac) of the American Southwest
Session: Ethnomedicines, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Irene - University of Reading
The practice of frigg: sociocultural changes affect traditional treatments in southern Morocco
, Marc-Alexandre - UMR LEEISA (Université de Guyane/CNRS)
Phyto-Pharmacopoeias in Motion: An Ethnobotanical Approach to Geographical and Cultural Circulations on the French Guiana coastal region.
, Carrie - Hualapai Tribe
Grand Foods of the Grand Canyon; A Nutritional Analysis of Traditional Food Plants of the Hualapai Tribe
, Christopher - University of Arkansas
Gastrointestinal Health as a Stimulus for Native American Attraction to Medicinal Asteraceae and Further Implications for Human Evolution.
Session: Historical Ecology & Ethnoecology, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Ginevra - Simon Fraser University, Hakai Institute
The Ecological and Cultural Effects of Clam Gardens on Northern Quadra Island, British Columbia
, Austin - University of Cambridge
Seeing REDD: The Political Ecology of Logging in Papua New Guinea
, Lily - Yale University
Regeneration as a Socioecological Process in Sacred Groves of Xishuangbanna, Southwest China
, Spencer - Gitga'at First Nation
Historical Ecology of Laxgalts’ap – Remembering Indigenous Knowledge in a Gitga’at Cultural Keystone Place
Session: Poster Session
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
Hamersley Chambers
, Fiona - University of Victoria
The 'Lost' Gardens: Heiltsuk cultivation of berry resources on British Columbia's central coast
, Liza - Independent Researcher
Revitalizing Traditional Plant Knowledge in Coastal Louisiana: Pointe au Chien Indian Tribe Medicinal Plant Garden Project
, Kali - Boston University
Phytolith Analysis of Cumbria’s Prehistoric Populations
, Roy - Concordia University, Montreal
Northeastern Algonquian and Iroquoian conifer taxonomy
, Megan - Southern Utah University
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Food and Nutrition for Elementary Aged Children in Iron County, Utah
, Drew - The Ohio State University
How Mobile are Phytoliths in the Laboratory? An Examination of Cross-Contamination during the Extraction Process
, Juliet - University of the Virgin Islands
Ethnobotanical Pedagogy for Undergraduates: An example from the University of the Virgin Islands
, Kayla
Ethnobotanical and economic importance of the genus Passiflora
, M.B. - Washington State University
Ethnobiology of East African Animal Medication and Antibiotic Resistance among Maasai, Arusha and Chagga People and their Animals
, Emily S. - Boston University
Elite Feasting and Monumental Dedication at Early Phrygian Gordion, Central Turkey
Session: Engaging Communities & Ethics in Context: The Process of Initiating Ethnobiological Fieldwork, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Damien - UMR LEEISA (CNRS)
Tackling the challenges of the implementation of ABS procedures in France: the case of Teko ethnobotany in French Guiana.
, Natasha-Kim - SFU
Composing Plant Agents: Configuring Conservation Around People and Plant Relationships
, Caitlin - Saint Mary's University, Ecology of Plants in Communities lab
Barrens in Nova Scotia: Biodiversity, Long-term Dynamics, Plants and People
, Letitia - BotanyDoc, LLC
Academic Societies, Ethnobiology and Ethics Codes
Session: Historical Ecology & Ethnoecology, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Marja - The Evergreen State College
Suomalaiset Marjat (Finnish Berries): A Role for Heritage in Cultivating Ecocultural Relationality
, Valentina - Simon Fraser University
Observations of climate change in the Heiltsuk territory (British Columbia, Canada)
, José - University of British Columbia
Learning from the experts: A case study of adaptation to change in the context of Mapuche People
, Erica - Labrador Institute
Forgotten fires? A people’s history of fire in Labrador
, Chelsey Geralda - Simon Fraser University
Biodiversity and Functional Traits Reflect Indigenous Forest Gardens in the Pacific Northwest
, Nicole - Hakai Institute
Ancient Mariculture in British Columbia: Documenting the Past for the Future, Part 2.
Session: Ethnobotany, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Andrew - Heidelberg University
Squeezing Agrobiodiversity: Herbicides and High Density Cropping on GM Cotton Fields in Telangana, India
, Nimachia
Naapi and Niche Construction: Traditional stories discuss how organisms direct the shaping of their environments
, Cynthiann - Washington State University
Exploring the children's domain of edible plant knowledge in a Maasai village
, Clément - Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris
Ethnoecology during crisis: adaptation of seaweed harvester's knowledge and practices
, Sunshine - Tulane University
Ethnobotanical Networks Thru Community Gardens
Session: Solidarity, Allyship, & Justice in an "Applied" Ethnobiology, Part II
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Michel - Université de Montréal and Université de Guyane
Representation of traditional medicine between community members and healthcare providers in Quebec’s First Nations communities.
, Janelle - McGill University; Athabasca University
For Profit or Print: Reflecting on How to be a Useful Ethnobiologist
, Alex - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Barriers, resources, questions: Moving forward as an advocate-academic
, Catherine S. - University of Nevada
Applied Ethnobiology, Advocacy and the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe of Death Valley, California
, Chelsey Geralda - Simon Fraser University
A Cartography of Struggle: Cultural Landscapes and Contested Archaeology in Northwest British Columbia
Session: Food & Water Sovereignty
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Jessica - McGill University
Our Sustenance, the plants, and the trees: cultural persistence wild and heirloom food species in Haudenosaunee communities
, Jan - Missouri Botanical Garden
Narragansett Food Sovereignty Initiative and Climate Change
, Jane - Cornell University
Indigenous Food Sovereignty Requires Diversity and Radical Natural Resource Management
, Anna - USF St. Petersburg
Coontie: From Staff of Life to Threatened Species in Florida
Monterrubio Solís
, Constanza - UNAM, Becaria del Programa de Becas Post doctorales UNAM-CIMSUR
Bringing joy back to the table: food traditions’ dynamics in two different regions of Chiapas, Mexico.
Session: Plenary Session: Elder Talks & Welcome
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Kanahsohon Kevin
Opening and Welcome
, Serge
Grand Chief of Kanesatake Serge Simon will speak
, Nellie
Elder Nellie Winters speaks on the importance of home
, Annie
Elder Annie Evans speaks on connections to family places
Session: Birds, Plants and Other People: Ecological and Cultural Relationships Across Species Boundaries, Part I
First Author Abstract Titlesort ascending
, Hemi - Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato
Indigenous methods of naming avifauna and its relevance in biodiversity reporting, monitoring and mapping
, Scott - Ferris State University
Bineseewug: The relationship of thunderbeings and thunderbirds to the Anishinaabek Great Lakes Native American people
, Marco Antonio - Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca
Avian Metamorphosis: Birds, Humans and Deities in Mesoamerican Mythology
, David - University of Georgia (UGA), International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE)
A Kingdom of Deities: Spiritual Landscapes, Protected Areas, and the Role of Conservation Mapping in Bhutan