Grand Foods of the Grand Canyon; A Nutritional Analysis of Traditional Food Plants of the Hualapai Tribe
Grand Foods of the Grand Canyon; A Nutritional Analysis of Traditional Food Plants of the Hualapai Tribe
Ethnomedicines, Part IDate and Time:
Thursday, 11 May, 2017 - 13:30
The nutritional values of many wild foods are only recently gaining attention of western dietitians. These foods however, have long been known by local Tribes for their nutritional and medicinal value. So called “superfoods” are those foods which contain high amounts of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Such foods can in some cases reduce the risk of chronic disease. This talk will examine several key traditional foods of the Hualapai Tribe who live along the southern rim of the Grand Canyon of AZ; foods that have been utilized by the Tribal people for centuries.