Best Ethnobiology Poster Award

For the 2023 Best Ethnobiology Poster award, we are accepting applications for all poster submissions (student and non-student, single or multiple authored). All posters accepted to the annual conference are eligible; no additional application materials are necessary to be considered for this award. A panel of judges assesses the posters. The award winner is announced during the membership meeting. The awardee is selected on the basis of both content and graphic appeal. The winner receives a cash prize of $300. Student poster submissions are also eligible for the Barbara Lawrence Award ($500), but must include all other Barbara Lawrence Award application materials.

Barbara Lawrence Award/Best Poster Award Application Form

 Poster Guidelines: Never made a poster before? No worries. Follow this link to download a .pdf of how to make a poster. Maximum poster size is 36 inches high x 36 inches wide (0.91 x 1.21 metres). Posters must be flat.
Click here for a Powerpoint poster template.

Past Recipients of the Best Ethnobiology Poster Award

2024 Toni Johnson (City University of New York/New York Botanical Garden), Alex McAlvay (co-author, New York Botanical Garden). African Cereal-based Brews: Cultural Heritage and Nutritional Importance [Abstract]

2024 Alyssa Zandvliet (Simon Fraser University). Characterizing Settler Colonial Land-Use Histories in the Cowichan River Estuary and their Subsequent Impacts on Quw’utsun Traditional Food Systems [Abstract]

2023 Regina Fairbanks and Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra (University of California, Davis). Modern maize genomes support conflicting models for the origin of a key domestication trait. [Poster PDF]

2021 Brian M Griffiths (George Mason University). Differential Use of Game Species in an Amazonian Indigenous Community: Navigating Economics, Subsistence, and Social Norms [Abstract]

2019 Adele Woodmansee (Harvard University). Native Maize Varieties and ideas of Purity and Contamination in Local Crops in San Miguel del Valle, Oaxaca [Abstract]

2019 Larissa Dixon. A Mysterious Red Cedar Wooden Artifact from Triquet Island

2017 Emily Johnson (Boston University). Emily's award-winning poster title was "Elite Feasting and Monumental Dedication at Early Phrygian Gordion, Central Turkey." [Abstract]

2016 Chad L. Yost (University of Arizona) Chad's poster title was “Phytolith analysis of sediments from Early Agriculture fields at Las Capas.” Chad's work with phytolith analysis of Stratum 504 field sediments (800 – 730 BC) at the Early Agriculture site of Las Capas, Arizona documents a rich microfossil record of cultivated and encouraged plants that grew in farmed irragric soils. [Abstract]

2015 Heather Thakar (Temple University) Heather’s poster title was "Food & Fertility in Prehistoric California: A Case-study of Risk-Reducing Foraging Behavior and Population Growth from Santa Cruz Island, California." Heather's research in the Northern Channel Islands of California reveals fascinating information about the links between fertility, population growth, and food acquisition. [Abstract]

2013 Marsha Quinlan, Sarah K. Council, and Jennifer W. Roulette (Washington State University) The winning poster for 2013 was "Children's Learning of Ethnobotanical Knowledge in a Rural Caribbean Village." [Abstract]

2012 Hannah Haas, Amber VanDerWarker, and Greg Wilson (University of California, Santa Barbara) These authors won for their poster,  "The Effects of Warfare on the Daily Food Quest: Changes in Fishing Strategies in the Mississippian-Period Central Illinois Valley." [Abstract]

2011 Michel Rapinksi (Institut de Recherche en Biologie Végétale,Québec) and Rui Lilin (University of Ottawa) Michael and Rui’s poster title was “Geographical Variations in the Phytochemical Profiles of Cree Anti diabetic Medicines.” Congratulations Michel and Rui on their winning poster! [Abstract]

2010 The 2010 award was presented to two members. Joceyln Mueller (Tufts University) for her poster, "Including Local Voices in Global Discourse: Case Studies from Boumba, Niger" [Abstract], and Mairi Capper (Simon Fraser University) for her poster, "In Their Words: Using Ancient Written Sources to Interpret the Palaeobotanical Remains of Tell Tayinat, Turkey." [Abstract]

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