Ethnobiology of East African Animal Medication and Antibiotic Resistance among Maasai, Arusha and Chagga People and their Animals

Poster Session
Date and Time: 
Friday, 12 May, 2017 - 13:00
, M.B. - Washington State University
, R.J. - Washington State University
, M.A. - Washington State University
, L. - University of Glasgow
, C.J. - San Diego State University
, J.W. - Washington State University
, D.R. - Washington State University

Ethnobiology compliments biomedical, veterinary, and ecological perspectives on human-animal interactions relevant for environmental health. Here we outline ethnobiological contributions to interdisciplinary “one health” research focusing on antibiotic use in livestock and antibiotic resistance in humans and animals in Northern Tanzania. We examined local ethnoveterinary and veterinary practices, livestock management practices, and human-animal interaction among Arusha, Chaga, and Maasai ethnic groups (415 households). Reported use of self-administered antimicrobials varied by ethnic group as did consultation with professional veterinarians and withdrawal of meat and milk from consumption during and following antibiotic treatment. Differential environmental and cultural niche factors, associated with antibiotic use in these smallholder populations. Preliminary results indicated that people and dogs showed substantially higher prevalence of antibiotic resistant E. coli among Maasai compared with Arusha or Chaga. Milk handling appears to play an important role in dissemination of resistant bacteria from livestock to people and dogs.