A new global biodiversity and ecosystems services assessment: what do ethnobiologists and traditional knowledge holders could benefit from it?

Date and Time: 
Friday, 12 May, 2017 - 10:30
, Zsolt - MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
, Cynthia Neri - Center for International Studies, University of the Philippines, Diliman

IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) emphasizes the importance of strengthening dialogues and knowledge co-production between different knowledge systems. Ethnobiologists working together with indigenous peoples and local communities, and holders of traditional ecological knowledge were invited by the IPBES to work together in the assessments. This paper will introduce some of the key topics where ethnobiologists, TEK-holders and authors of the assessment would mutually benefit from knowledge co-production: What are the distinctive views of IPLCs regarding nature? What are the main changes and drivers affecting nature and nature’s benefits to people in areas managed by IPLCs? How have institutions and policy tools involving IPLCs contributed to the conservation of nature? What have been the impacts of ‘marine protected areas’ on IPLCs? What are the evidences for the effectiveness of conservation management strategies involving IPLCs (biocultural approaches, co-management systems)? We invite all conference participants to join our discussions.