Northeastern Algonquian and Iroquoian conifer taxonomy

Poster Session
Date and Time: 
Friday, 12 May, 2017 - 13:00
, Roy - Concordia University, Montreal

Traditional ethnobotanical taxonomy, here of conifers among Iroquoians and Algonquians of the Northeast Woodlands, is shown in their indigenous-language names, presented and analyzed here as attested in many dictionaries and word lists, and the following primary sources: (1536) Jacques Cartier described the conifer Annedda whose infusion cured his scurvy; Rousseau 1954 discusses its contentious identity. (1748-51) Pehr Kalm traveled in North America, noting new species with some indigenous names; English edition 1770, Dover reprint 1966. Kalm's manuscript Canadian journal is copiously annotated and translated in Rousseau 1977. (1910s) F.W. Waugh conducted ethnobotanical field work, partly published in his 1916 Iroquois Use of Foods. (1930s) William Fenton made ethnobotanical field notes with Iroquois indigenous names, still unpublished and accessible only in the doctoral dissertation of James Herrick, cited from the University Microfilm edition. Ethnohistorical references: Charlotte Erichsen-Brown's 1979 source book "Uses of Plants..", Dover reprint 1989.