Ecological Density of Avian Community along with It’s Neighborhood Observed in the Central Park of Manhattan New York United States of America

Poster Session
MOLLIK, Md. Ariful Haque - Peoples Integrated Alliance, Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York United States. The observations were done from January 2011 to December 2012. The birds were observed with help of a binocular during morning and evening. Also, numbers of various species of birds observed were recorded in data sheet. The birds were identified up to species level with the help of standardized books. It was found that in all 152 species of birds were found in different locations of Central Park. These belonged to 48 families according to their taxonomic characters and ecological characters. These indicate that fluctuations in the family wise bird species have been mediated by the availability of suitable field conditions, feeding, roosting, and nesting. Insect fauna is variable and found thought the year. Many housing societies do have small gardens with shrubs and trees, which also provide food and shelter to the birds.