Forage! Blog

Forage! is the Society of Ethnobiology’s newest venue for gathering ideas and knowledge, fostering the ethnobiological community and movements. We encourage members to submit content from all expressive dimensions including intellectual, creative, and activist ones (e.g., art, stories, literature, poetry, pictures). Board members from the Society moderate the blog. We invite all SOE members and the general public to submit blog posts here: We welcome comments from members and the general public.

Image policy: all contributors must assert that they have appropriate permissions to use all images that appear in their posts. We recommend that all images posted either 1) have a Creative Commons license, 2) be public domain, or 3) be the original copyrighted work of the contributor.

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By Cathy Chambers

This story is mostly true, based on real adventures and real ethnobotany. As it evolved, the characters took on different and this made it even more fun to write than the usual journal entries I make on my trip.

By Daniel R. Williams. Daniel's research won the Best Ethnobiology Poster Award at this years meetings in Madison, WI.

"It's a bit like Jurassic Park," I told a greenhouse visitor while I tucked another inflorescence into a glassine paper bag. "People ate this like quinoa almost 4000 years ago. The variety grown here vanished hundreds of years ago, but with a bit of work we can bring it back."

By Andrew Flachs, Forage! co-editor

Ashley Glenn teaching botany

By Ashley Glenn

Doctoral and postdoctoral research takes us out of our comfort zone and into new worlds. It’s an intellectual adventure: stimulating and absorbing, connecting us to the richness of the world, to new methodology and fields of study, and the future of research. It’s consistently challenging and often frustrating. It’s that adventure that Natalie Mueller and I are in the middle of, Natalie as an archeologist doing horticulture-intensive research, and me as a botanist in the middle of anthropology-intensive dissertation writing.

By Kali Wade, SoE social media coorindator . Photos by Christopher Capobianco.

Sophie Duncan's piece on the politics of invasive species talk in the new issue of Ethnobiology Letters

Sopie Duncan's writing and artwork are featured in a new special ethics issue of Ethnobiology Letters. Read the special issue here!

I am currently in Montana on a 50-day road trip surveying invasive plants for my graduate study. I spend all day separating invasive from native, reducing countless chloroplasts to numbers, attempting to amass enough data to answer a question I have about how plants live their lives.

By contributing author Maia Dedrick, photos courtesy of Rossana Paredes

Each year, the Society of Ethnobiology honors a young ethnobiologist for the quality of their research and for their excellence in communicating their knowledge at our yearly meeting. Meet the 2018 Barbara Lawrence Award winner, Rossana Paredes!

By Natalie Mueller, Forage! co-editor

Our recent joint meetings with the Society for Economic Botany were a great success!  Please add your favorite moments in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.

Participants loved the beautiful location at the University of Wisconsin's Memorial Union, where we all found plenty of time to relax with colleagues over brats and beers. 

