Forage! is Seeking New Submissions

Summer is already halfway over, and soon our members will be heading back from fieldsites, digs, gardens, archives, protests, sit-ins, workshops, and labs to share the wide range of experiences that we gain as ethnobiologists.  If you’d like to share an experience from your work, ranging from photography to short essays to poems, please write to us at  We’d like to thank Chelsey Armstrong for establishing this blog as a way for our members to learn more about each other and to engage with the general public. If you’re doing innovative research or teaching, if you have a story that needs to be told, or if you’re being recognized by the society, we want to hear from you.


On a personal note.  New faculty and staff are often discouraged from taking on work that is not directly related to their scholarship.  Service and administration, especially to an organization rather than to one’s institution, does not help build tenure or promotion files.  But, like so many of our members, we have found a home in the Society for Ethnobiology.  We are thrilled to be getting more involved with the society and to help disseminate the scholarship and creative work of its members.  We look forward to sharing with you.


Natalie Mueller is an archaeologist currently conducting cross-disciplinary postdoctoral research in the School of Integrated Plant Sciences (SIPS) at Cornell University. Her research concerns domestication and the origins of food producing economies. She specializes in growing and eating lost crops, microphotography and morphometrics, and digging the occasional square hole.

Andrew Flachs is an assistant professor of anthropology at Purdue University.  He has conducted research in agriculture and ecological knowledge in the American Midwest, South India, and Bosnia.  Like many SoE members, he balances his academic career with a passion for music and cooking.
