Innu-Natukuna: Members of the Ekuanitshit community gather medicinal plants – Description of an experience with Hydro-Québec

Date and Time: 
Friday, 18 March, 2016 - 14:15
, Kathia - Hydro-Québec
, Georgette - Ekuanitshit

The Innu community of Ekuanitshit has a community pharmacy called Innu-Natukuna. The women who work there carry out activities related to both preparing and distributing medicinal remedies. As part of the Romaine hydroelectric project (1,550 MW – 8.0 TWh), they helped implement an enhancement measure related to gathering medicinal plants in the impoundment areas of future reservoirs. From 2011 to 2014, a team of Innu gatherers, along with a Hydro-Québec Environment Advisor, gathered medicinal plants on the site of the future reservoirs. In total, they collected 16 species of medicinal plants that were then processed and added to the community pharmacy. The presentation describes the gathering experience organized by both an Innu community and a government-owned corporation as part of the construction of a hydropower complex. The gatherers and the Environment Advisor will describe the challenges faced during the experience as well as their accomplishments.