Memorabilia and Print Program

Memorabilia.  We have created two items that feature the beautiful conference logo designed by Arianna Augustine. We will be selling t-shirts on-line until 15 March, and boxes on-line until April 1, for pick up during the conference.  

We will also have a small number of each of these items to sell at the conference, but if you want to guarantee getting your choice and saving $2 USD per item, you should pre-order now.

1. Wildwood branch box. Wildwood is a small, community based business that makes a variety of items from tree branches that were hand-salvaged from industry-logged sites. We worked with Wildwood to produce these beautiful branch boxes with Arianna’s design. (Note that this is a very old website and the wholesale prices listed are over 20 years old!). Dimensions: 3-1/2 in diameter, 2-1/2 in high. Pre-order: $17 USD.  (On-site: $19 USD). Proceeds go to Wildwood and to the artist.

Wildwood branch box

Wildwood branch box

Wildwood branch box with conference logo

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2. Conference t-shirt.  Organic cotton t-shirt, with responsible dyes.  Choose your logo and t-shirt color. Multiple sizes available (see sizing chart). Pre-order: $19 USD. (on-site: $21 USD). A small mark-up beyond the production costs has been added for the artist. Read here if you’re interested in understanding why buying organic versus conventional cotton products is so important and worth the added financial cost.

Conference t-shirt blue with color logoConference t-shirt ivory with color logo

Conference t-shirt with color logo

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Conference t-shirt blue with black logoConference t-shirt ivory with black logo

Conference t-shirt with black logo

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Size Chart:

Size chart

Printed Program.  We will be selling print programs on-line until April 1, for pick up during the conference.  We will have only a few print programs for sale at the conference, so buy yours now if you want to be sure to get one.

SoE 2019 Annual Meeting Printed Program

SoE 2019 Annual Meeting Printed Program

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