“Semillatón, accompanying the Sierra Tarahumara,” a promotional film

LINARES, Edelmira – Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IB-UNAM)
Robert BYE - IB-UNAM

This 26 minute film in Spanish highlights the collaborative involvement among Tarahumara representatives, Mexican academic researchers (UNAM), Mexico's gastronomic community and local NGOs, and the country's governmental agencies (CONANP for natural protected areas, INIFAP for agricultural research, and national affiliates of the international FAO) to multiply the planting seed stock of five races of maize that were threatened by the exceptional drought between 2010 and 2012.  The project “Semillatón, acompañando a la Sierra Tarahumara” grew native maize under controlled conditions (isolated plots with supplemental irrigation as needed) in a GMO maize free area and returned the hand harvested maize ears to native producers for planting in subsequent agricultural cycles.