The old roots of grape symbol in the Euro-Mediterranean culture

Date and Time: 
Friday, 6 May, 2011 - 20:50 to 21:10
Caneva Giulia
Kumbaric Alma
Savo Valentina

Paleobotanical and archaeological records and historical documents support the Caucasian origin of Vitis vinifera and of its ancient diffusion in the Euro-Mediterranean and Euro-Asiatic regions where was domesticated about ten millennia ago. Grape had an important role in ancient agriculture and day-life; it was related to Osiris’ myth, but mostly to Dionysus-Bacchus. An ongoing study is analyzing plant iconography of sculptures and paintings in different cultural contexts and has led to the identification of grape in hundreds of artifacts. We hypothesized that its importance in ancient ethnobotanical culture could explain the grape’s symbolism and its transformation through time. Morphological characteristics of grape and features of wine (color, stimulating effects) gave rise to the association of the plant with the vegetative force of nature and life itself. Finally, the use of grape as symbol of life, and of wine as symbol of blood, has persisted in the Christian religion through millennia.