2025 Conference Logo
Logo Description
Wèš (Wehsh [chickadee]) is the forest guardian and Oŋ (Ong) is the bird spirit of Dá awaga (Lake Tahoe). Wèš rests upon the pinyon pine, which grows in the mountain ranges of the Great Basin, and native Lahonton cutthroat trout swim in the lake.
Artist Biography
húŋa mehéší. I am Aspen Carrillo. I am an enrolled member of the Yerington Tribe and a Washoe Tribe descendant. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Nevada, Reno, and hope to continue to a Masters. I have been an active tribal community member all of my life. I hold a position on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization called Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahnnu as their Youth Representative. I enjoy sharing my artistic talents and work in a variety of arts such as printmaking, graphic design, mural art, and oil painting. I am passionate about giving back to my community by revitalizing the Washoe language and culture.