We love to see our young ethnobiologists at the annual conference, and they are welcome (free of charge, of course, except for the banquet which has a reduced fee for children). We also welcome caregivers to attend the conference (without a registration fee).

We will have a child-friendly space that will be available throughout the day during the conference. The space will be an inviting atmosphere where kids of all ages (accompanied by a caregiver) can take a break. Coloring, crafts, games, storytelling, and more will be there to help your child(ren) have a great experience at the conference. The Missouri Botanical Garden has generously offered free passes to the Children’s Garden for conference attendees’ children and caregivers.

We are also planning to provide babysitting services, via STL Sitter, free of charge for those conference attendees who do not have a caregiver for their child(ren). Please register for the conference and let us know your childcare needs (via the conference registration form) by January 31 February 12, 2024. There is no additional costs for families to access childcare during the conference. If you have already registered for the conference, please email us at conference@ethnobiology.org and let us know:

  1. How many children you are seeking childcare for and their ages.
    • Number of children 0–2 years
    • Number of children 3–6 years
    • Number of children 7–10 years
    • Number of children 11+ years
  2. Name and email address1 of Caregiver
    1 To allow us to communicate any childcare-related announcements or schedule changes directly with the Caregiver.

Children's Garden map