E-Ethics Lab: Decolonizing Ethnobiology

Session Type: 
Group discussion - information gathering (flexible seating if possible)
Session Date and Time: 
Wednesday, 12 May, 2021 - 12:45 to 14:00
Primary Organizer: 
Sarah Walshaw
Department of History, Simon Fraser University
Email address: 
Names of Additional Organizers: 


The fields that feed ethnobiology - botany, zoology, anthropology, archaeology, history - were founded on imperial objectives and practices. One of the principles of the Society of Ethnobiology is to "move toward an ethnobiology which prioritizes (1) power equity, (2) receptiveness to diverse ways of knowing, and (3) social justice," (Armstong and McAlvay, SoE website).

In this session, participants will workshop ideas on how to further decolonize our principles and practices - including building this component of our web presence. This could include: proposing educational modules for recognizing and combatting imperialist science; plans to build an ethics toolkit for decolonizing practice in ethnobiology; and/or guidelines for decolonizing protocols for use in grant applications. Ultimately, our efforts will help move forward "Our purpose ...  to reduce any erasure of our colonial past while engaging with the tools and methods in relationship-building and decolonizing academia," (Armstrong and McAlvay).