Mechanisms of exchange of native tuber ‘seeds’ among farmers in Armatanga, Perú
Mechanisms of exchange of native tuber ‘seeds’ among farmers in Armatanga, Perú
The purpose of this project was to investigate the exchange of tuber ‘seed’ crops in a Quechua community located in Huanuco, Perú. Varieties of three species of native tuber crops were investigated; potato (Solanum spp.), oca (Oxalis tuberose), and olluco (Ullucus tuberosus).A case study research design was utilized to determine which varieties of tubers are exchanged, to evaluate mechanisms of exchange, and how exchange is impacting local biodiversity of native tuber crops. Research methods included key informant interviews and in-depth interviews of 13 households within the community. Sixteen different varieties of Solanum spp. were cultivated in Armatanga, however only four varieties were used for exchange as seed. Fourteen percent of households participated in exchange of tubers as seeds. Exchange of tubers as produce was more common. Furthermore, results indicate that only a few non-native, improved Solanum varieties are replacing the native varieties that were once cultivated in the area.