Electronic Ethnobiology: Connecting Students to Nature and Culture Online
Electronic Ethnobiology: Connecting Students to Nature and Culture Online
Athabasca University, a Canadian University founded in 1970, specializes in online
distance education. Students come from a wide range of academic and geographical
backgrounds, with some registered at traditional universities looking to complete their
course requirements for example, with others coming from remote locations in the
expansive Canadian north, including Aboriginal communities. Johnson designed an
online undergraduate self-directed asynchronous ethnobiology course over a dozen
years ago and has been teaching it since, with Baker joining her as a tutor (in the British
sense) over seven years ago. Johnson also offers a graduate level ethnobiology course
online. We will describe the structure and practicalities of the courses, followed by a
discussion of the challenges and benefits of teaching ethnobiology online. In particular,
we will focus on techniques used for engaging students from a distance with
ethnobiology in their own lives, and in local, Canadian, and global contexts.