
Session Organizers & Chairs: Leslie Main Johnson and Zsolt Molnár

Friday, May 17

The goal of the session is to provide an overview of comparative studies in landscape ethnoecology. Landscapes are constantly changing. The change is perceived by people, and partly managed in order to sustain resource availability. We invite papers documenting landscape change perception and management, e.g. related to disturbance management, deliberate direction of succession, effects of climate change, maintainance of pasture quality, or effects of the introduction of nature conservation management. Nuanced systems of place kinds, habitats, ecotopes have now been documented in a range of environments, but how and why landscape partitioning differs among landscapes and communities still needs investigation (e.g. effect of stature – tundras, forests, plains, mountains; multidimensionality of partitionings). We welcome contributions which focus either on temporal comparisons of landscape perception and classification, or on comparisons between or among regions with differing natural and cultural environments, and especially are interested in collaborative work in different world regions.