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Jessica Mae OrozcoJessica Mae Orozco

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Application Form Preview

* indicates required field

Applicant Information
  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Phone
  • Email address *
  • School Affiliation
  • Indigenous Affiliation (if applicable)
  • Topic of Study
  • Graduate student status * (Master's, Doctorate, Post-doc)
Application Materials
  • Research Proposal – 1500 words or less (file upload) *
    Research Proposals should include: Title, Background, Objectives (list at least 2), and Methods (please include how each of your methods will help meet the objectives you listed).
  • Project timeline (file upload) *
    Please include/insert a chart which outlines when each objective will be met. Use the rows to delineate specific objectives and tasks, and use the columns to delineate blocks of time for these activities. Please note that some activities may require multiple intervals of time. Please see the example chart.
  • Short line-item budget (file upload) *
    Please provide a line-item budget for how you will use this money. Please also provide a short explanation of line items in the budget (no more than 1 paragraph). Please note that fellowships are for $750; therefore, your budget should highlight those items you hope to finance with this fellowship. See budget example.
  • References Cited and Referenced (file upload) *
  • Recommendation (file upload)
    Recommendations can come as a letter, video, or audio recording. Please: upload your recommendation, send the URL that your recommendation can be found at, OR have your recommender send your recommendation directly to fellowships@ethnobiology.org. Recommendations may come from a main teacher, professor, or mentor who is familiar with your work related to or that will be supported by this fellowship.
  • Student Status (file upload)
    Please include a copy of your current transcript, which shows courses in which you are currently enrolled. If your school does not include current courses on transcripts, please have your department administrator forward an email to fellowships@ethnobiology.org confirming your current enrollment.
  • Institutional Review Board Approval, if appropriate (file upload)
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